How to get to Ghent?
By train: There are 2 direct trains per hour from Brussels Airport to Ghent (at the airport follow signs to the train station). From the Brussels North / Central / South railway stations there are also 2 trains per hour with a stop in Ghent (trains with destination Ostend / Blankenberge).
For details and timetables, go to:
Upon arrival in Ghent, take Bus P4 at the railway station (every 8 minutes) to the city centre / hotels. The tram stop nearest to Campus Boekentoren (Blandijnberg 2) is ‘Verloren Kost’.
Walking distance from the train station to Campus Boekentoren is 20 minutes.
For further details:
By car: Ghent is located near the E40 and E17 highways and has excellent road access to destinations all over Europe (3 hours from Paris, 2 hours from Amsterdam, 1 hour from the Chunnel). Ghent’s inner city (the area within the ring road) is a low emission zone. Only vehicles that meet entry requirements are allowed into this zone. Check your vehicle before coming to Ghent, using the following link: check & register.
Where to park your car?
Some hotels have parking facilities (please check directly with the hotel you booked). There are several car parks in and around Ghent. A map and further information on LEZ is available here.
Symposium site:
Ghent University, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Ghent, Auditorium Kruithof
Hotel Accommodation
Ghent University has an agreement with both Ibis Gent Centrum Opera*** and Ibis Gent Centrum St-Baafs Kathedraal***
Symposium participants are urged to mention this to the hotel staff when booking a room.
For further information, contact Guðrún Gísladóttir: +45 26252112 / gudrun[at]