Speakers and Discussion Coordinators

The present and future of the ECSPM

DENDRINOS, Bessie: ECSPM president and Chair of CURUM, she is Professor Emerita of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece, Director of the Research Centre for Language Teaching, Testing and Assessment and President of the examination board of the KPG, national multilingual proficiency testing suite in Greece. Her research and publications focus on the politics of foreign language teaching/testing, the hegemony of English, and ideological analysis of (multimodal) pedagogical texts.
Email: vdendrin[a]enl.uoa.gr

On the Babylon and the Online-Offline nexus in superdiversity and The Migrant literacies project

SPOTTI, Massimiliano: Senior Lecturer at the Department of Culture Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Digital Sciences at Tilburg University and Deputy Director of Babylon – Centre for the Study of Superdiversity. He has worked for many years on asylum-seeking practices and the implications that the online-offline nexus has on such practices. He has published widely on digital literacies and the processes of inclusion and exclusion at play in Dutch as second language classrooms, aimed at the civic integration of newly arrived migrants.
Email: m.spotti[at]uvt.nl

Moving beyond the binary of ‘multilingualism’ and ‘the language of schooling” in education

VAN AVERMAET, Piet: Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy and Head of the Centre for Diversity and Learning, at Ghent University. His expertise and research interests cover topics related to multilingualism in education, social inequality in education, language policy and practice in education and in contexts of (social) inclusion, language assessment, diversity, integration and participation, discrimination in education, migration.
Email: Piet.VanAvermaet[at]UGent.be

BEAM: A whole school approach to developing a plurilingual habitus

YOUNG, Andrea: Professor of English and Language Education at the Faculty of Education and Lifelong Learning (INSPÉ), Université de Strasbourg. Responsible for the CAREL (Centre d’Apprentissages et de Ressources pour une Education aux Langues), her research/ teaching interests include teacher education for the support of second language acquisition, home-school educational partnerships, teacher language awareness and plurilingual and intercultural education. She has been carrying out the research project she is presenting with Dr. Latisha MARY at the Faculty of Education and Lifelong Learning (INSPÉ), Université de Strasbourg.
Email: andrea.young[at]unistra.fr


TREFFERS-DALLER, Jeanine: Professor of Multilingualism, Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics, University of Reading UK. Her research focuses on code-switching, transfer and language dominance in bilinguals. She recently edited a volume on language dominance in bilinguals with Carmen Silva-Corvalán (CUP, 2016). She has also worked on motion event construal in bilinguals and second language learners. She has published in various international journals, including Bilingualism, Language and Cognition and the International Journal of Bilingualism.
Email: j.c.treffers-daller[at]reading.ac.uk

SPEAKABOO, COMBI & the Virtual Language App: An innovative multi-didactic approach

DIJKSTRA, Jelske: Postdoctoral Researcher at Mercator. Her work focuses on early bilingual language acquisition. Currently she works on a Frisian adaptation of the SPEAKABOO app, which speech and language therapists can use to assess the phonological development of multilingual children. She further has a strong research interest in speech technology, especially with regards to under-resourced languages.
Email: jdijkstra[at]fryske-akademy.nl

VAN DER MEER, Cor: Project Manager at MERCATOR European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (hosted by Fryske Akademy) in Leeuwarden, NL. His expertise is in the fields of regional and minority languages and language learning with a focus on Early Language Learning and Language Vitality.
Email: cvdmeer[at]fryske-akademy.nl

Beyond Bilingualism: Digitally Mediated Linguistic Risk-Taking as an LX user

SLAVKOV, Nikolay: Director of the Canadian Centre for Studies and Research in Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) and associate professor at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute of the University of Ottawa. He has led or participated in Canadian and international projects on language pedagogy and innovation, technology, child language development, family language policy, and bi-/multilingualism (LangProfile; LingRisk). Editor in chief of the bilingual journal Cahiers de l’ILOB.
Email: nikolay.slavkov[at]uottawa.ca

Panel: Rationale for multilingual policies in education and how to advocate them.

Animateur Piet Van Avermaet 
Panel discussants:

FISHER, Linda: Reader in Languages Education, University of Cambridge, UK Education Strand Lead, the MEITS project and co-investigator, Education strand of Creative Multilingualism. Her current research interests are in multilingualism, multilingual identity, motivation, the academic and social integration of learners with English as an Additional Language, second language teacher education, and metaphor in relation to belief formation.
Email: lgf20[at]cam.ac.uk


LAMB, Terry: Vice-president of the Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes who has been awarded the title Chevalier dans l’ Ordre des Palmes Académiques for services to languages and European culture. In the past he taught French, German, Spanish and Turkish in secondary schools in England. Presently, he is Professor of Languages and Interdisciplinary Pedagogy at the University of Westminster in London, and an official EU Expert on Intercultural Education.
Email: T.Lamb[at]westminster.ac.uk

MARINIS, Theo: Professor at the University of Konstanz, Germany, Chair in Multilingualism and Director of the MA in Multilingualism. Previously in the UK, at the University of Essex, UCL, and University of Reading where he was Professor of Multilingualism and Language Development, as well as Director of the Centre for Literacy & Multilingualism. He is still leading ‘ProLanguage’ which addresses language and language policies issues in refugee settings and the EU funded Innovative Training Network ‘MultiMind’ that provides training in multilingualism to 15 early-stage researchers across Europe.
Email: t.marinis[at]uni-konstanz.de

RINKER, Tanja: Professor of German as a Second and Foreign Language at the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, DE. Since 2016, she has been leader of the “Multilingualism in the Classroom” project, funded by the Ministry of Education and Research in Baden-Württemberg. In 2018, she became part of the EU-consortium “MultiMind” which aims at training PhD students in the area of multilingualism.
Email: Tanja.Rinker[at]ku.de

Designing curricula for adult refugees and migrants: A multilingual, critical literacy perspective

MITSIKOPOULOU, Bessie: Assoc. Professor at the Dept of English, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Director of the Centre for Self-Access Learning and member of the Coordinating Committee of the Centre of Excellence on Multilingualism and Language Policy, NKUA. Her areas of expertise are educational linguistics, online teaching and training, and critical literacy. She has coordinated projects for vulnerable groups in Greece, and presently she is working for the national Digital School project and the Advanced ICT teacher training project.
Email: mbessie[at]enl.uoa.gr

MEinART project: How multilingual creative practices shape migrant women’s identities

ANDROULAKIS, George: Professor in Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching at the Department of Primary Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Thessaly (Volos, GR), and Director of GLML, the Greek Language and Multilingualism Laboratory. He was involved with the Researching Multilingually project and has recently coordinated numerous national and European research projects related to language education and language acquisition of migrants and refugees.
Email: androulakis[at]uth.gr

Rationale and strategies of the EquiLing (Critical linguistic awareness and speaker agency) Project

MARTÍN ROJO, Luisa: Professor of Linguistics at the Autonomous University of Madrid. In the framework of CDA, she has investigated the social representations of migrants in the media, and the social-political consequences of these representations. She holds the title of national expert by the European Observatory against Racism and Xenophobia (EU). Focusing on the study of the management of cultural and linguistic diversity in schools in Madrid, analyzing how inequality is constructed, naturalized and legitimized through discourse, she has produced the edited collection “Constructing Inequality in Multilingual Classrooms” and more recently “Neoliberalism, language, and governmentality”.
Email: luisa.rojo[at]uam.es

The European Charter Classroom Activities Project, crossing borders with your own language

RASOM, Sabrina: Has worked at the Universities of Padova and Trento in language acquisition and syntactic variation. Her work focuses on dialectology and minority languages, corpus and status planning, as well as on didactics of minority languages. She is Vice Chair of the Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity and is responsible for the Unit of Ladin Language Policy of the Comun general de Fascia in the Province of Trento in Italy.
Email: sabrina.rasom[at]comungeneraldefascia.tn.it

Minorities and Multilingualism in the Creative Sectors: Challenges and Case Studies

JONES, Elin Haf Gruffydd: Professor at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) and Director of the Mercator. Involved with the field of European minority languages, focussing on media, the creative and cultural sectors, translation and language policy and practice, she is on the ExCom of the European Language Equality Network, and a member of the Council of Europe’s expert group on Media for the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. At the Symposium she represents LAF (Literature Across Frontiers).
Email: elin.jones[at]uwtsd.ac.uk

GÍSLADÓTTIR, Guðrún: General Secretary of ECSPM, co-chair of EARights. She is a fine arts photographer, who has exhibited her work in Europe and the USA, and a free-lance translator. Her mother tongue is Icelandic, and she speaks English, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Faroese, some German, Lithuanian and Greek. She recently wrote an article entitled Languages as ways of being: The linguistic biography of a Nordic nomad, to appear in ‘The Dominant Language Constellations Approach in Education and Language Acquisition’ (Springer 2021).
Email: cc[at]gudrun.cc

Supporting EU’s national languages with the ELM, LLE and ELIPS

VAN HOORDE, Johan: Senior language policy advisor at the Nederlandse Taalunie, the intergovernmental body of the Netherlands and Flanders for Dutch language and literature and president of EFNIL (European Federation of National Institutions for Language), a platform for the collaboration between the language planning, policy and research institutions of the countries of Europe. He coordinates the ELIPS project group, which deals with the use of the EU languages as instruments for legislation, government and public administration.
Email: jvanhoorde[at]taalunie.org

FEATURED PANEL: Towards Digital Language Equality in Europe

JUDGE, John is a computational linguist and a Research Fellow at the School of Computing, working as part of the Centre for Global Intelligent Content. Erasmus student coordinator for the School of Computing, his interests are in various areas of Language Technology, LT resources and related applications and solutions. A member of the European Association for Machine Translation, he is involved in various Language Technology projects.
Email: john.judge[at]adaptcentre.ie


MARHEINECKE, Katrin is part of the Coordinating team in the European Language Grid project (ELG). She holds an M. A. in Linguistics and American and Russian Studies. After almost 20 years in the language and translation industry, where she had worked as a Linguist, Quality Manager and Business Process Officer with several LSPs, she joined the Speech and Language Technology group at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in January 2019 to take over the role as a Project Manager in ELG.
Email: katrin.marheinecke[at]dfki.de


REHM, Georg: Principal Researcher and Research Fellow at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, he works in the Speech and Language Technology department. An expert in Language Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics, he has been coordinating significant projects and initiatives and is now the coordinator of the EU project “European Language Grid” (2019-2021; http://www.european-language-grid.eu).
Email: georg.rehm[at]dfki.de


BLOMMAERT, Jan: Professor of Language, Culture and Globalization at Tilburg University and Director of Babylon. Group leader of the Max Planck Sociolinguistic Diversity Working Group, he has published widely on language ideologies and language inequality in the context of globalization. Recent publications include “Chronotopes, synchronization and formats” (2019) in Language & Communication, “Formatting online actions: #justsaying on Twitter” (2019) “International Journal of Multilingualism” and (2019) “From groups to actions and back in online-offline sociolinguistics” Multilingua: Journal of interlanguage communication.
Email: J.Blommaert[at]tilburguniversity.edu