The ECSPM is an alliance for the languages spoken in Europe, as well as for research, policies on and practices of multilingualism, making possible the cooperation between European, national, and international networks, organisations, federations, organisations and research units (e.g., university centres and institutes) that view multilingualism as an asset for European economic, social, cultural development, and as a facilitator for intellectual growth, social, and personal development.
ECSPM aspires to be a strong voice of Europe’s civil society promoting language policies for and research on multilingualism in all aspects of social life by way of focusing on people, and on their ability to use a variety of semiotic resources to access education, social affairs and culture, to participate as active citizens in Europe, shaping its making, to benefit from better communication, wider employment and study opportunities.
To achieve these aims, the ECSPM intends to raise further awareness about Europe’s linguistic resources, and to facilitate intercultural dialogue. It will continue drafting policy documents with which to advise the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and individual European countries, providing counsel on how to implement relevant policies effectively.
Furthermore, it wishes to ensure that all students in Europe have the right to use their mother tongue to access knowledge, to acquire literacies in their own language and to learn two additional languages. It will also continue to try to ensure that Europe’s rich linguistic and cultural resources are maintained, as they are viewed as crucial for the future of Europe, its economic, political and social development.