The ECSPM honours the interrelationship between civil society, academia and social action, by generating the Cluster of University Research Units focusing on Multilingualism (CURUM) and related issues such as language learning, teaching and assessment, as well as language in society/the public space. The university units that are members/partners of the ECSPM so far are:
BM (Bilingualism Matters). Representative: Antonella Sorace
Cambridge Language Sciences, Interdisciplinary Research Centre, University of Cambridge, UK. Representatives: Linda Fisher and Ianthi Tsimpli
CCERBAL (Canadian Centre for Studies and Research in Bilingualism and Language Planning at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) of the University of Ottawa, CA): Represented by Nikolay Slavkov
CDL (Centre for Diversity & Learning), Ghent University, BE. Representative: Wendelien Vantieghem & Piet Van Avermaet
CEM (Centre of Excellence for Multilingualism and Language Policy), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR. Representative: Bessie Dendrinos & Bessie Mitsikopoulou
Center for Multilingualism, Universität Konstanz, DE. Representative: Theo Marinis
Centre for Research on Bilingualism Stockholms universitet, SE. Representatives: Niclas Abrahamsson & Caroline Kerfoot
CLPP (Consortium for Language Policy and Planning), University of Maryland. Representative: Francis Hult
CLUSS (Centro Linguistico) Università per Stranieri di Siena. Representative: Carla Bagna
DCU Department of Culture Studies, Tilburg University. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Management Working Group. Representatives: Massimiliano Spotti & Irem Bezcioğlu-Göktolga
DLCM Research Unit for the Study of Linguistic Diversity and Multimodality, Dipartimento di Lettere e Culture Moderne, Sapienza Università di Roma. Representative: Monica Barni
GEO (Groupe d’Études orientales, slaves et néo-helléniques / Centre for Research in Greek, Slavic and Oriental Studies), Université de Strasbourg, FR. Representative: Irini Tsamadou-Jacoberger
GL/ML (Greek Language and Multilingualism Laboratory), GR. Representative: George Androulakis
GS/FL (German as a Second / Foreign Language), Research Group, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, DE. Representative: Tanja Rinker
INN Language Teaching and Learning in Multilingual Context Research Group, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Representative: Gunhild Tomter Alstad
Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies, Division of Multilingualism, Technische Universität Darmstadt, DE. Representative: Britta Hufeisen
LiLPa (linguistique, langues, parole), Université de Strasbourg, FR. Representative: Andrea Young
Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning, Leeuwarden, NL. Representative: Cor van der Meer
MIRCo (Center on Multilingualism, Discourse and Communication), The Autonomous University of Madrid, ES. Representative: Luisa Martín Rojo
SeDyL Research Center, (CNRS, IRD, INALCO). Representative: Isabelle Léglise