Speakers and Discussion Coordinators
Welcome address by the host

DEBUS, Dorothea: Professor of Theoretical Philosophy and Vice Rector for International Affairs, Equal Opportunity and Diversity at the University of Konstanz, Germany. Her main research area is the Philosophy of Mind. She has published on memory, imagination, attention, perception and emotions. More recently her research has focused on a more general feature of our mental lives, namely the fact that we sometimes can be, and often also are, actively involved with how our own mental lives develop.

MARINIS, Theodoros: Professor at the University of Konstanz, Germany and the University of Reading, UK, Chair in Multilingualism, Director of the Centre for Multilingualism and the MA in Multilingualism at the University of Konstanz. He is leading the EU funded Innovative Training Network ‘The Multilingual Mind’ www.multilingualmind.eu that provides multi-disciplinary training in multilingualism to 15 early-stage researchers across Europe. Email: t.marinis[at]uni-konstanz.de
Introduction to the symposium theme

DENDRINOS, Bessie: ECSPM president and Chair of CURUM, she is Professor Emerita of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece, Director of the Research Centre for Language Teaching, Testing and Assessment and President of the examination board of the KPG, national multilingual proficiency testing suite in Greece. Her research and publications focus on the politics of foreign language teaching/testing, the hegemony of English, and ideological analysis of (multimodal) pedagogical texts. Email: vdendrin[a]enl.uoa.gr
Multilingualism as a resource of the sustainable university

GOGOLIN, Ingrid: is Professor for international comparative and intercultural education research at Universität Hamburg, Germany. Her research is focused on migration and language diversity in education. She was awarded honorary doctor degrees by the University of Dortmund, Germany (2013) and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2017). www.ingrid-gogolin.eu Email: ingrid.gogolin[at]uni-hamburg.de

RINKER, Tanja: Professor of German as a Second and Foreign Language at the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, DE. Since 2016, she has been leader of the “Multilingualism in the Classroom” project, funded by the Ministry of Education and Research in Baden-Württemberg. In 2018, she became part of the EU-consortium “MultiMind” which aims at training PhD students in the area of multilingualism. Email: Tanja.Rinker[at]ku.de
Englishisation at a bilingual university: curriculum internationalisation, plurilingual praxis and intercultural academic identities

SABATÉ-DALMAU, Maria: Associate Professor at the English and Linguistics Department at the Universitat de Lleida. She conducts sociolinguistics research on multilingual policies, practices and transnational ideologies and identities in EMI. She is Deputy Head of the Catalan Sociolinguistics Society and Associate Editor of International Journal of the Sociology of Language. Email: maria.sabate[at]udl.cat

MARTÍN ROJO, Luisa: Professor of Linguistics at the Autonomous University of Madrid, and national expert by the European Observatory against Racism and Xenophobia (EU). Her recent publications include an edited collection on Constructing Inequality in Multilingual Classrooms (Mouton, 2010) and Neoliberalism, language, and governmentality co-edited with Alfonso Del Percio (Routledge 2019). Email: luisa.rojo[at]uam.es
Monolingual academia in multilingual societies: the case of Switzerland

ZIMMERMANN, Martina: Lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Teacher Education Lucerne. Her main research interests include language and inequality, language and mobility, education, ethnographic research, discourse analysis and contemporary as well as historic perspectives on language in society. Email: martina.zimmermann[at]phlu.ch

SPOTTI, Massimiliano: Senior Lecturer at the Department of Culture Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Digital Sciences, Tilburg University, NL. Deputy Director of the Babylon Centre for the Study of Superdiversity, he has focused on asylum-seeking practices, digital literacies and the processes of inclusion/exclusion in Dutch as second language classrooms. Email: m.spotti[at]uvt.nl
Multilingual education for social justice: the need for linguistically inclusive HE

VETTER, Eva: Professor of language teaching and learning research at the University of Vienna. Her research interests focus on multilingualism with respect to linguistic minorities, historical multilingualism, language policy and language teaching and learning. More recently, she has been concentrating on educational aspects of multilingualism. Webpage. Email: eva.vetter[at]univie.ac.at

SLAVKOV, Nikolay: Director of the Canadian Centre for Studies and Research in Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL), associate professor at the OLBI of the University of Ottawa, and editor in chief of the bilingual journal Cahiers de l’ILOB. His work centres on language pedagogy and innovation, technology, language development, family language policy, and bi-/multilingualism. Email: nikolay.slavkov[at]uottawa.ca
Researching multilingually: perspectives on/from researcher education in UK universities

ANDREWS, Jane: Associate Professor in Education at the University of the West of England teaches about multilingualism and learning across programmes relating to early years education and primary education. A recent research project explored how creative arts approaches (using collage, printing, music) can be integrated into teaching and learning with children developing English as an Additional Language. Email: jane.andrews[at]uwe.ac.uk

FAY, Richard: Senior Lecturer in Education (TESOL and Intercultural Communication) at The University of Manchester, specialises in intercultural aspects of language (teacher) education, researcher education (including researching multilingually, intercultural researcher ethics, and epistemic justice) and also intercultural musicking pedagogy (klezmer ensemble performance). Email: richard.fay[at]manchester.ac.uk

ANDROULAKIS, George: Professor of Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching at the Department of Primary Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Thessaly, Greece, and Director of the Greek Language and Multilingualism Laboratory. He is presently coordinating national, international and European research projects related to the language education of migrants and refugees. Email: androulakis[at]uth.gr
Multilingualism, English and HE: dominance, hegemony and inequality

MOHANTY, Ajit: Former Professor and ICSSR National Fellow, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. He was a Killam Scholar, University of Alberta and Fulbright Professor at Columbia University. His publications include The Multilingual Reality: Living with Languages (2019, Multilingual Matters). Mohanty developed Multilingual Education Policy for Nepal and Odisha (India). Email: ajitmohanty[at]gmail.com

TSIMPLI, Ianthi: Professor of English and Applied Linguistics, and Fellow of Fitzwilliam College at the University of Cambridge. Her research focuses on multilingualism, language acquisition and impairment in children and adults. Recent research projects examine how linguistic diversity affects literacy, cognition and language in school-aged children in India and in the global north. Email: imt20[at]cam.ac.uk
The role of language centres at universities

HETTIGER, Andreas: Scientific director of the Language Center at the University of Braunschweig. He received his doctorate in general rhetoric from the University of Tübingen and his habilitation in Braunschweig in applied German linguistics and intercultural communication with a thesis on language policy at universities, for which he was awarded a science prize in 2019. Email: a.hettiger[at]tu-braunschweig.de

ARGONDIZZO, Carmen: Professor of English Linguistics and President of Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, University of Calabria. Also, President of the Associazione Italiana Centri Linguistici Universitari and Vice-President of the European Confederation of Language Learning in HE (CercleS). Scientific coordinator of European Projects, ‘best practice’ in language learning and in the promotion of multilingualism/multiculturalism in the academic and enterprise sector. Email: carmen.argondizzo[at]unical.it
The relationship between language proficiency and academic achievement in HE

TRENKIC, Danijela is Associate Professor (Reader) at the University of York and a former president of the European Second Language Association (eurosla.org). Her research explores how people comprehend, speak and learn new languages, combining motivations and methods from the fields of linguistics, psychology and education. Email: danijela.trenkic[at]york.ac.uk

TREFFERS-DALLER, Jeanine: Professor of Multilingualism, Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics, University of Reading, UK. Co-editor of Language Dominance in Bilinguals, published by Cambridge University Press, 2016. Her research focuses on code-switching, transfer and language dominance in bilinguals, on motion event construal in bilinguals and second language learners. Email: j.c.treffers-daller[at]reading.ac.uk
Action research and policy intervention at the Higher Education institutional level in Teacher Education

HEUGH, Kathleen: Assoc. Prof. at the University of South Australia, specialises in multilingual education policy and practice from a southern decolonial perspective. She works in remote, rural and urban field research; system-wide evaluation and assessment; policy intervention; teacher education; and longitudinal action research in multilingual pedagogies in HE. These include translation and transknowledging in HE. Email: Kathleen.Heugh[at]unisa.edu.au

VAN AVERMAET, Piet: Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy and Head of the Centre for Diversity and Learning, at Ghent University, BE. He researches multilingualism in education, social inequality in education, language policy and practice in education, language assessment, diversity, integration and participation, discrimination in education, migration. Email: Piet.VanAvermaet[at]UGent.be
Discussion around issues raised during the symposium presentations

FISHER, Linda: Reader in Languages Education, University of Cambridge, UK, Education Strand Lead, the MEITS project and co-Investigator, Education strand of Creative Multilingualism. Her current research interests are in multilingualism, multilingual identity, motivation, the academic and social integration of learners with English as an Additional Language, second language teacher education, and metaphor in relation to belief information. Email: lgf20[at]cam.ac.uk
Panel: Language policies and practices in European universities
Animateur Andrea Young
Panel discussants: Monica Barni, Irini Tsamadou-Jacoberger and Jonathan Morris

YOUNG, Andrea: Professor of English and Language Education at the Faculty of Education and Lifelong Learning (INSPÉ) of the university of Strasbourg, France. Responsible for the Centre d’Apprentissages et de Ressources pour une Education aux Langues, her interests include teacher education for the support of SLA, home-school educational partnerships, teacher language awareness and plurilingual/cultural education. Email: andrea.young[at]unistra.fr

BARNI, Monica: is full professor of Educational Linguistics at the Università per Stranieri of Siena. She currently coordinates the research line Foreign Languages in Italy at the University’s Center of Excellence for Research. Her research activity focus on teaching, learning and assessment of languages and analysis and impact of national and European language policies. Email: barni[at]unistrasi.it

TSAMADOU-JACOBERGER, Irini: is Professor of linguistics and sociolinguistics at the University of Strasbourg, Head of the Research Centre for Oriental, Slavic and Modern Greek Studies, and associated member of the Research Centre for Linguistics, Languages and Discourse. She is also Vice-President for European and International Affairs of the University of Strasbourg. Email: jacoberg[at]unistra.fr

MORRIS, Jonathan: is a Senior Lecturer in Welsh linguistics at Cardiff University. Jonathan’s research focuses on sociolinguistic aspects of bilingualism. His publications include work on cross-linguistic phonological interactions and sociophonetic variation in Welsh-English bilinguals’ speech and research on the use of the Welsh language among young people and families. Email: MorrisJ17[at]cardiff.ac.uk
Special panel discussion organised by the ERUA (European Reform University Alliance) consortium, represented by Prof. Theodoros Marinis who is coordinator of the panel.
Representatives of European University Alliances will present and discuss their language policies and commitment to multilingual policies and plurilingual pedagogies, as well as other activities related to multilingualism.
Panel members: Anouk Tso, Olaf Bärenfänger, Evdokia Karavas & Tamás Szabó

MARINIS, Theodoros: Professor at the University of Konstanz, Germany and the University of Reading, UK, Chair in Multilingualism, Director of the Centre for Multilingualism and the MA in Multilingualism at the University of Konstanz. He is leading the EU funded Innovative Training Network ‘The Multilingual Mind’ www.multilingualmind.eu that provides multi-disciplinary training in multilingualism to 15 early-stage researchers across Europe. Email: t.marinis[at]uni-konstanz.de

TSO, Anouk: Director of International Affairs at the University of Amsterdam. She is responsible for developing the international strategy and supervising its implementation. Key responsibilities include co-ordinating the UvA’s participation in international networks, such as EPICUR, LERU and U21. Anouk Tso was trained as a Sinologist at Leiden University. Email: Anouk Tso A.N.Tso[at]uva.nl

BÄRENFÄNGER, Olaf: Professor for German as a Foreign Language and director of the Language Centre at Leipzig University. His research interests include multilingualism, language(s) for academic and specific purposes, assessment, quality management, research methodology, and foreign and second language acquisition research. He advises the German Federal Government in several academic boards. Email: baerenf[at]uni-leipzig.de

KARAVAS Evdokia (Kia): is Associate Professor, Head of the Section of Language and Linguistics of the Department of English Language and Literature, Deputy Director of the Research Centre for Language Teaching, Testing and Assessment (RCeL) and a member of the scientific committee of the Centre of Excellence for Multilingualism and Language Policy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Email: ekarava[at]enl.uoa.gr

SZABÓ, Tamás: Senior Researcher and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. He is Scientific Manager for seven FORTHEM Labs which serve as multidisciplinary multi-stakeholder expert networks in FORTHEM Alliance, and leads the Multilingualism in School and Higher Education Lab. Email: tamas.p.szabo[at]jyu.fi
Update on ECSPM’s involvement in the European Language Equality Project (ELE)

GÍSLADÓTTIR, Guðrún: General Secretary of ECSPM, co-chair of EARights, fine arts photographer and translator, she studied Scandinavian Languages and Linguistics. A polyglot, she is author of “Languages as ways of being: The linguistic biography of a Nordic nomad”, to appear in The Dominant Language Constellations Approach in Education and Language Acquisition (Springer 2021). Email: cc[at]gudrun.cc