For a list of our current members, please click here.

The ECSPM currently offers membership to:

  • European organisations whose principal activities relate to:
    – promoting and facilitating the implementation of policies
    – creating conditions for individual and collective multilingualism in all aspects of social life, education and culture.
  • University centres, institutes, academic units whose principal activity is carrying out research related to:
    – bi- and multilingualism
    – language, discourse(s) and culture
    – translation, cross-language and intercultural mediation
    – language learning, teaching and testing
    – plurilingual competence and the development of (multi)literacies
    – learning and maintaining heritage and minority languages
    – multilingual technologies and ICT in language education

If interested in joining the ECSPM:

  • Fill in the ECSPM application form
  • Send completed form to the ECSPM Secretariat at: multilingualism[at]
  • The annual membership subscription is decided by the General Assembly. It has been decided that in 2021, the annual fee remain €200

The ECSPM Partnership Agreements with European civil societies and specialised networks as well as institutions in Europe and beyond which are active in areas of concern to ECSPM.

Benefits of ECSPM membership and partnership:

  • Participating in ECSPM interventions, communicated to the European Commission and the European Parliament (Note that the ECSPM is in the EC Transparency Register)
  • Receiving information disseminated by the European Commission multilingualism policy officers
  • Taking part in European research projects
  • Accessing and participating in the discussion fora on special issues
  • Receiving invitations to attend ECSPM meetings, symposia, conferences and other events
  • Opportunities to build international links through the ECSPM network
  • Institutional profile on the ECSPM website
  • Having access to our annual Newsletters and monthly News bulletins