
In Memoriam

Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, a member of the Multilingualism Expert group of ECSPM, passed on 29 May 2023, leaving behind a great legacy for the global linguistics community. To quote Francis Hult, also linked to the ECSPM, “With her death we lose ...

2023-06-04T20:49:27+02:002023-06-04|Announcements, Uncategorized|

Colloque du CCERBAL 2023

Bilinguisme et Multilinguisme: Compétences transversales, mobilité et bien-être, 4-6 mai 2023 Format du Colloque: des options de participation en personne et en ligne seront disponibles Séances Plénièrs: Sunny Man Chu Lau (Bishop's University) Peter MacIntyre (Cape Breton University) Caroline Payant ...

2022-09-21T18:31:53+02:002022-09-21|Announcements, Conferences/Symposia, Uncategorized|

CCERBAL 2023 Conference

Bilingualism and Multilingualism: Transversal Competences, Mobility, and Well-Being,  May 4-6, 2023 Conference Format: Options to participate both in person and online will be available PLENARY SPEAKERS: Sunny Man Chu Lau (Bishop's University) Peter MacIntyre (Cape Breton University) Caroline Payant (Université ...

2022-09-21T11:16:09+02:002022-09-21|Announcements, Conferences/Symposia, Uncategorized|

Reforming Research Assessment

Professor Theodoros Marinis, member of the newly elected Executive Committee of the ECSPM, notified us that the European Commission has drafted an agreement for reforming research assessment, and it mentions that research criteria, tools and processes should value diverse outputs ...

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