
API Education Forum

16.00-17.30 CET 6th February 2025 Action-oriented scenarios: Inspiring pedagogical innovation, reflection, and self-assessment in the classroom. You will find more about the speakers, Danielle Hunter and Adriana Ortiz and the event here.



Tuesday, 4 February 2025, 16:00 -17:00 (CET - Graz time) Take part in a webinar on “Opportunities and challenges for plurilingual and intercultural education in times of AI” Artificial intelligence has entered our daily lives and is changing our relationship ...

2025-01-15T12:15:50+01:002025-01-15|Announcements, Uncategorized|

Une exploration interdisciplinaire des interactions complexes entre langues et cultures?

Ce symposium se déroulera en français. C’est dans le contexte de la Stratégie France de la Sarre que le Conseil linguistique de Sarre organise un symposium international sur les frontières linguistiques et culturelles, un événement majeur qui se déroulera à Sarrebruck en Allemagne les 12 ...

2024-08-07T13:38:31+02:002024-08-06|Announcements, Conferences/Symposia, Uncategorized|

In Memoriam

Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, a member of the Multilingualism Expert group of ECSPM, passed on 29 May 2023, leaving behind a great legacy for the global linguistics community. To quote Francis Hult, also linked to the ECSPM, “With her death we lose ...

2023-06-04T20:49:27+02:002023-06-04|Announcements, Uncategorized|
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