The Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) is seeking external applications from tenured associate or full professors working full-time at a research institution outside the national capital region for a new Research Chair in Bilingualism Studies: Mobility Research Chair in Bilingualism. 

Here are the three main research areas of this chair:

1. Second or foreign language learning, teaching and assessment
2. Linguistic and social aspects of individual and societal bilingualism
3. Language policy and planning

The chosen applicant should be recognized as a specialist in the field of applied linguistics. The chairholder will receive a stipend of up to $25,000 for one year prorated by the proposed length of stay. 

Please submit your application before Thursday, June 30, to:
Brian Ray, Vice-Dean for Research
Faculty of Arts, University of Ottawa, Simard Hall, Room 106, Ottawa (ON), Canada, K1N 6N5
Telephone: 613-562-5984 Email: arts-vd.recherche[at]uOttawa[dot]ca