The 2022 ECSPM Symposium, was hosted in virtual mode by the “Centre of Excellence – Permanent Linguistic Observatory”, l’Università per Stranieri di Siena (UNISTRASI) Italy, from 8 to 9 April 2022. A follow up of the 2021 Symposium on “Multilingualism in Higher Education in Europe”, it focused on (a) explicit and implicit policies of HE institutions, (b) multilingualism, academic literacies and the linguistic construction of academic knowledge in European universities. Distinguished speakers from Europe, Australia, Asia and the Americas presented their views on these issues and discussed with scholars of the ECSPM-CURUM.

The working language of the symposium was English, but Italian and French were also used by some of our speakers. Most importantly, ECSPM had also been granted access to the automatic live speech transcription and translation into 42 European languages developed in the framework of ELITR, a project which was presented to the participants by Ondřej Bojar, member of the project team. The presentation is here.

The detailed programme of the event is available in the Symposium Pamphlet at the bottom of this page. It also contains information about the speakers and abstracts of their presentations. The PPTs of speakers can be accessed below (click on title of talk).


Introduction to the symposium theme
by Bessie Dendrinos, ECSPM President

Writing an explicit language policy
by Joseph Lo Bianco, International Speaker
Discussant: Linda Fisher

Reproducing inequality while celebrating diversity: An ethnography of international students’ EMI learning experiences in China
by Han Yawen – 韩亚文: International speaker
Discussant: Massimiliano Spotti

Promoting multilingualism in HE through university rankings
by Michele Gazzola, Invited speaker
Discussant: Tanja Rinker

Multilingualism and disciplinary teaching in the context of the University of Strasbourg
by Irini Tsamadou-Jacoberger, ECSPM speaker
Discussant: Theodoros Marinis

The linguistic imagination: Cultural enskilment, embodiment, and literacies of languaging in the human ecology
by Paul Thibault, Invited speaker
Discussant: George Androulakis

Problematising contemporary English discourse for publication: Monolingualism vs. multilingualism & Q/A
by Elena Sheldon, International speaker
Discussant: Andrea Young

Linguistic injustice and academic publishing in English: A debate and a case study
by Josep Soler, Invited speaker
Discussant: Linus Salö

The multilingual challenge for the production of scientific knowledge
by Anne-Claude Berthoud, Invited speaker
Discussant: Nikolay Slavkov


Constructs of knowledge about language in HE and multilingualism
Abandoning the concept of the need to abandon the ‘monolingual’ speaker, by Antonella Sorace
Critical overview of the multilingual/plurilingual turn in language pedagogy, by Raphael Berthele
Language use in linguistically diverse societies, by Ianthi Tsimpli
Languages and languaging, by Paul Thibault
Coordinators: Monica Barni & Bessie Dendrinos

The Languaging of Higher Education in the Global South: De-Colonizing the Language of Scholarship and Pedagogy
Critical orientations to language in higher education, drawing on: i) integrational linguistics, ii) indigenous and alternative knowledges, iii) decolonial pedagogies, iv) Southern theories and epistemologies of the South by Sinfree Makoni, Cristine Severo, Ashraf Abdelhay & Anna Kaiper-Marquez

Multilingualism in research and teaching practices in HE
Between monolingualising science and multilingualising knowledge, by Laurent Gajo & Patchareerat Yanaprasart,
Multilingual research practises of an international research team: The tensions between the use of English and intercomprehension, by Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer
– Bi-/plurilingual discourses and practices in the socio-institutional and educational fields at Uni of Geneva, by Roberto Paternostro & Ivana Vuksanović